Tuesday 26 November 2013

Dr Who 50th anniversary thoughts - contains some spoilers

With an explosion of greatest hits for the new era, but with enough homage to the classic era to keep long term fans happy, the 50th anniversary special of Dr Who launched onto our screens.  The show was a big part of my childhood and even in adulthood it is as important in my life as it was back then with its ability to inspire, entertain and teach us all about morality, whilst never getting boring due to an unlimited scope for adventures in time and space and a lead character who can change his appearance as a way to beat death.
Since the show was brought back in 2005 there have been references to the time war, a huge war encompassing the whole of time and space between the Time Lords and the Daleks.  The Doctor was dealing with the genocide he brought on his own people and the Daleks to save the whole of the Universe.   He killed to save countless more.  Through the years since 2005 we have been fed little tidbits to put together piece by piece, always wondering at the grandeur of that immense war.  Would we get to see it?  I had often thought we would see a spin off movie of the time war done as a prequel, designed more for the American audience with huge special effects and either a returning Paul McGann or even Christopher Eccleston. 
But we did get a returning McGann for the 50th anniversary special for the small teaser mini episode that showed McGann regenerating into John Hurt and the reasons behind it.   This was a very exciting moment, but also reminded me that McGann never got a fair crack at the whip in regards Dr Who.
The Main 50th anniversary episode was a superb culmination to the Time War story ark, but also carried it on with a poignant ending of hope and a whole new and exciting story ark.   A friend said they were disappointed because it wasn't a one off adventure but another part to a continuing story and though I see her point, I was happy with this and in fact it is probably the one part of the new Dr Who that I prefer to the classic era; long term plot-lines and story arks.  This one even explained a particular ending to an episode from 2007.
With three doctors, including David Tennant coming back for another stab at the part that he always seemed tailor made for, and Legendary actor John Hurt playing a previous unknown Doctor who fought in the Time War joining Matt Smith, this harked back to the anniversary episodes of the classic era by having more than one Doctor.  With even Billie Piper returning as Rose – well sort of.  She was immensely popular as a companion in the first two series since the comeback; however I found the romance angle a little wrong for the show and always preferred Catherine Tate as Donna, who was simply a friend to the Doctor.
Clearly from the scenes together, Matt and David had a lot of fun working together and playing a kind of one-upmanship with each other, especially with the Zygon/Queen Elizabeth scenes.  Bring in a more serious, grownup, but still dry, John Hurt to counter the almost childish antics of the other two and we had some great moments on screen.  In fact, as with Paul McGann it seems almost a shame we probably won’t get to see more of John Hurt in the part.  His was a very dark doctor, a warrior to end the biggest war in the history of the universe. 
Surprises were plentiful and it was a credit to the makers that in the days of the Internet, nothing major really leaked.  We were treated to a great pay off with all doctors helping to save the day, including a nice teasing debut for Peter Capaldi.  This in itself was enough in some ways, but then they moved the dial up to 11 with Tom Baker as ‘The Curator’.  Was he a later version of the Doctor, having reached the end of his life, choosing to travel through his past in his favorite body, guiding previous incarnations like a Mafia consigliere?  This was hinted at when Matt Smith said he would love to be a Curator.  The Final scene with William Hartnell looking on at all the doctors was also a touching moment that brings shivers to me even as I write this.
Of course this was not a perfect episode as nothing is perfect.  It would have been nice if Christopher Eccleston hadn't seemed to want so desperately not to be connected to the show and just agreed to a minute or two broadcasting time by showing the complete regeneration of John  Hurt into his doctor with a simple proclamation that he had been “fantastic!”  This though is a very minute issue and at least Eccleston is honest about his time on the show, he could have gone through the motions, making enough money to be made for life, then left, but he didn't want to do that.
Of course, the BBC didn't just celebrate the 50th anniversary with this episode; they threw everything at us, including the kitchen sink.  There were two excellent documentaries, a rebroadcasting of the first ever story (all four episodes), and a very emotional docudrama that showed us how Dr Who was first made, and the first three seasons, following William Hartnell as he went from a minor character actor, type cast in certain rolls, to the biggest TV roll in British television.  It was brilliantly made and actually quite sad at the end when you realize how much Hartnell loved playing the character but the tough schedule simply became too much for him and he was let go.  There were a couple of Turkeys – One Direction, why!?  The top ten countdown for the greatest monsters looked great on paper but was ruined by showing only episodes from 2005 on-wards and even second or first parts only in two part stories.  It would have been better done as a top fifty show over one night.  Or with a different presenter, due to the one they chose, clearly not a fan with his stupid jokes.
With the 50th anniversary show closing with the start of a new story ark – the doctor trying to find Gallifrey and the knowledge that Matt Smith is stepping down to regenerate into Peter Capalidi, the show will again, reinvent it self whilst keeping the same themes that have served it well over the last 50 years.

Here’s to another 50 years.

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