Wednesday 23 July 2014


It has been a while since my last blog. However, for once I have tried to be a little more productive. After trying to work out in mind what I want to do with my writing, I decided to just bite the bullet and actually start working on a novel.
The idea had come to me after me and my wife looked after a stray cat before the owner came forward and like a huge alarm, the idea came to me! It is a simple idea, based on a real life situation, with a “what if” to keep the story moving.
Over the past few weeks I have been reading a lot of Stephen King, including his “One Writing” writing masterclass. It may be a little over the top to say this, but I believe in years to comes, I will look on it as the most important thing I did in my early writing career. It is that's good.
For anybody who has read it, you will know once of the key points he makes, is that the story is the most important part. He writes this many times, in many different ways. In fact he hammers it home so hard, I have probably started muttering to myself “its all about the story” over and over again, before smashing my way through a wooden door, shouting “Heres Johnny!”
Of course, having digressed a little from my original point, reading “One Writing” has given me the confidence to give my novel a go. Its early days, and its very much writing by the seat of my pants, much like Stephen King does, but I’m enjoying creating my story.
Finally, having used my laptop for 7 years, it has become clear, I am need of a new one. Its processor had one core in Silicon Heaven and its RAM was getting forgetful. The purchase of a new laptop was needed and typing this blog on a machine that doesn’t need a large cup of coffee to get it started is a joy.
My MS office 2000 also needed upgrading, and after looking at MS office 360 or 2013, I posted in one of the many excellent writing communities on Google +, asking a question on one of the T & Cs for Office concerning commercial use and writing. A reply came back, suggesting a piece of software called “Scrivener” which was created for writers in mind and allows the user to project manage their writing, be it a novel, script or an article. It sounded perfect and so did the cost. A fraction of MS office or Word as a standalone download (which was approx the same as Office it self!).
This small act confirmed my feelings when I joined Google +. Of the three main social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter etc) this was the best for me as a writer to utilise.

One last, final (this time it really is!), my wife did a great act and moved my desk into the conservatory to move me away from the distractions coursed by having it in the living room. Stephen King talks of his wife being very supportive so its good to know I also have that similar support. Now if I can write stories as wonderful as his, I’ll be a very happy writer.

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