Thursday 13 November 2014

Dr Who latest season thoughts

I’ve been pretty busy at present, training for a half marathon this weekend, being a father and husband, writing and working so the blog has kind of been shoved to the back yet again. If it helps I have read some very interesting blogs over the last few weeks.
I have looked in to whether it is a good or bad idea to transfer over to Wordpress. Partly due to the future possibility of having a proper grown up website as well as the blog. But at present I am happy with Blogger due to being linked to my other Google apps.
Completely off track, but my near 14 month old son has just farted. Well I hope thats all it is! (only parents will know the fear that goes through you when you hear an infant fart)

I was very excited by the landing of Philae on to a comet. The technical and engineering skills required to land an object on a lumpy, unstable piece of rock, minute in cosmic terms, travelling at 36000 miles per hour is nothing short of profound brilliance. Forget what we learn now. Its the potential of mining on near Earth comets/asteroids that excites me. The mining of these objects has long been a passion of mine and one that will help us to take the tentative steps into expanding the Human civilisation into outer space. We have an ever increasing population and resources on Earth are not going to be here for ever - we need to look at space to ease both problems.
Of course critics look at the public money being spent, and point out it could be used elsewhere. But look at what technological advances have been made by NASA (funded by US tax payers money). Besides I believe large multinational corporations will finance the future of space exploration.

I’m fairly confident it was just a fart.

Finally some thoughts on the latest season of Dr Who. I’ve spoken in the past about both my love for the show and of my confidence in Peter Capaldi.
Capaldi himself was nothing short of brilliant. Everything I thought he would be. Arrogant, , judgemental, quirky, eccentric, wise and childlike at the same time. However, I had to keep checking I wasn’t watching “The Clara Show”, as yet again the companion becomes the main character. I get that the original premise was that we the audience experienced the show through the eyes of the companion. But when the companion (Clara) starts becoming the moral compass for the Doctor, acting very childish and arrogant herself, it gets too much. I actually enjoyed her “impossible girl” story ark with Matt Smith, and this may be another issue - she suited Matt Smith, but just doesn’t work with Capaldi. She is supposed to be leaving at Christmas, so hopefully they will find a more suitable companion.
They had a good ready made one in Osgood, the UNIT scientist. But she was killed off. It would have made a change to have had a companion who was his intellectual equal. Hopefully it wasn’t a “fixed point in time” so we can have some timey-whiney stuff!
A female Master was certainly a nice surprise (I kind of guessed, but also thought The Rani may be a good option). I can buy this. The Master is always looking to get one over The Doctor, so changing gender would definitely be up there with fooling our hero. Besides, Michelle Gomez was wonderful as the iconic villian, bringing the right mix of over the top campness, insanity (well bananas in her case) and megalomania. Just a shame her “death” was a little underwhelming. We all know she isn’t dead but The Doctor would normally react a lot more than that (see John Simm refusing to regenerate).
The Brigadier was back! And he was saluted by the Doctor. He may have been a zombie cyberman, but it was still very cool.
I would have loved to have had a “Thick of It” reunion between Chris Addison and Capaldi, but at least we got a reference with The Doctors pyscho paper being full of swear words.
We will never mention the Robin Hood episode again.
There is only one Mr Pink.

Hopefully with a new companion and Capaldi fully in the swing of things the next season will be back in track. 

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